Labour Law and Business English for Works Council Members

Works Councils in multi-national companies increasingly have to deal with English-speaking company representatives. In order to effectively represent employee interests in English-speaking environments – e.g. during company restructuring processes – the ability to understand and discuss balance sheets, financial statements and annual reports might be just as important as knowledge of corporate and labour law.

This intensive three-day seminar is particularly designed to meet these challenges. Business English topics such as meetings and negotiations language, financial and labour law vocabulary will be covered. Participants will also be given plenty of opportunity to speak, thus improving their fluency.

Date: 15 – 17, June 2020 (from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm)
Venue: AK-Bildungshaus Jägermayrhof, Römerstraße 98, 4020 Linz
The seminar will be followed up with a follow-up workshop on 21, September 2020.

Target Group: Works Councils members in multinational companies, and members in European Works councils with intermediate English skills, who would like to improve their language proficiency. Pre-condition: GPA-djp membership and completed basic training for works council members.

This English training course is a co-operation between the Trade Union of Private Sector Employees, Graphical Workers and Journalists (GPA-djp) and the Chamber of Labour of Upper Austria (AK Oberösterreich). Weiterlesen

Political English 1-2 (SE)

English for Trade Unionists

Diese “Political English”-Sprachkurse des VÖGB vermitteln Sprachkenntnisse gezielt in den für Betriebsräten/innen wichtigen Themenbereichen aus Politik und Arbeitswelt.

Hinweis: Diese zwei Seminare decken ein sehr breites Spektrum von Anfänger/innen- bis Fortgeschrittenenniveau ab. Basiskenntnisse der englischen Sprache sind für eine Teilnahme an „Political English 1“ unbedingt erforderlich. Eine Anmeldung zu mehr als einem Level ist in der Regel nicht zielführend und nur in Ausnahmefällen nach Rücksprache mit dem VÖGB möglich.


  • Level 1: 25.03.2019 bis 27.03.2019
  • Level 2: 06.05.2019 bis 08.05.2019
  • jeweils Tag 1: 10.00-17.30 Uhr, Tag 2: 09.00-17.30 Uhr, Tag 3: 09.00 – 16.00 Uhr

Ort: ÖGB Catamaran, 1020 Wien Johann Böhm Platz 1

Zielgruppe: Betriebsräte und Betriebsrätinnen

Seminarziele Weiterlesen